Circuit Breakout: Dual Polarity

A  capstone project developed during the last year of the game design program with a team of six students

Circuit Breakout: Dual Polarity is a third-person puzzle game where you play as two brave siblings, Data and Surge, on their journey to escape the derelict testing facility. The core mechanic is switching between the two characters at any time and make them work together to solve logical puzzles. 

Role and Responsibility (Gameplay & UI Programmer - Team Project)

– Programmed most of the gameplay and environment elements 

– Added controller support for gameplay and UI (Xbox and PS)

– Programmed the main menu and pause menu functionalities 

– Helped the team brainstorm ideas and prototype mechanics during initial production


Unity 3D, C# 


8 months


Game Teaser

Play Video

Screenshots of Game

My Works (Gameplay Elements & UI)

Contact me