Budget Buster

Budget Buster is a grocery shopping game to teach single parents about food literacy and budgeting. With this game, players will develop skills that will help make their lives more sustainable, by giving them the tools to optimize their grocery allocations with the consideration of healthy food options, nutritional values and cultural dietary needs.

Role and Responsibility (Game Designer and Programmer - Team Project)

– Accelerated the Game Design and Programming process through weekly feedback from the target audience, technical     experts and life-skills module Lead

– Developed mechanics that deliver our audience a realistic understanding of budgeting and groceries

– Designed and Programmed a game to be housed and accessible on the Web Browsers on PC and Mobile 

– Handled all features from prototype to public release

– Iterating quickly based on the rapid changing enhancements and features as requested by the Project Lead


Unity 2D and Adobe Suite


3 Months


Gameplay Video

Process Work

Screenshots of Game

Contact me